June 28, 2008

Productivity Drop

I've got a productivity problem. Ever since I started geocaching nearly 5 years ago, my total finds each year have been higher than each previous year. But as we approach the mid-point of 2008, I'm embarrassed to report that my monthly find totals so far are less than they were in 2007, on average. I'm currently on pace to find 20 fewer caches this year than last, and that's just not acceptable.

I think part of the problem is that up until several months ago, my work schedule was such that I had every other Friday off; and as it turned out, I did most of my geocaching on Fridays:

I no longer enjoy such a cache-friendly work schedule, and unfortunately, I still spend most of my Saturdays and Sundays tending to my never-ending honey-do list. So something's gotta give, because somewhere between work, home and geocaching, my priorities have gotten out of whack. On the bright side, I've still got 6 months to rectify this situation.

If you are interested in checking your own caching statistics, visit "It'sNotAboutTheNumbers" and see this earlier post about it. If you use GSAK, you can also generate your stats with this handy little macro (which I used to create pie chart above).

Now I've got to go have a little chat with my boss and my wife. Cache On!

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